New P&C Committee members elected for 2016


meetingThe P&C Committee held their Annual General Meeting on Tuesday night and the positions were elected as follows:



President: Steve Searle

Vice President: Phil Milling

Vice President: Beck Croese

Secretary: Amanda Rodrick

Treasurer: Mandy Innes

Assistant Treasurer: Lynda Gibbs

Uniform Shop Coordinators: Alison Radford & Lana Hill

Canteen Coordinators: Tiffany Kiem & Leah Robson (Please note Tiff will still be the contact for roster details).

get involved

The P&C are always looking for new faces to come in and work together, bringing their experience and knowledge as well as positive enthusiasm to achieve so much for our school and children. Meetings are held on the third Tuesday of the month in the school staff room at 6pm.

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